When it comes to making a decision, some people find it really easy to pick one thing out of several options.
For others it can be more of a challenge as they struggle with what the outcome of their choice may be.
One woman has found making decisions so difficult she’s currently on the lookout for someone to take “control” of her life and make all her decisions for an entire month, just like in Black Mirror Bandersnatch.
And she’s willing to pay this person a pretty decent amount of money to do it.
The unnamed woman from Bristol has shared an advert on Bark.com seeking help after having a particularly bad year.
She wrote: “Hiya, bit of a weird one I know but basically, I feel like I need someone to make my decisions for me. I’ve had a really rubbish year and would love for someone to take control of my life think of it a bit like a real life Bandersnatch. I have no idea if this sort of thing exists, but I came across clairvoyants when I was looking for another service, so I thought it was worth a shot.”
The woman went on to explain all of the terrible things that had happened to her lately, including losing money she loaned to a friend, getting stranded without money while backpacking in New Zealand, being abused by a former partner, and getting mugged after taking a shortcut home.
She continued: “I am obviously completely incapable of making the right choices by myself. My mum even jokes about it. It seems like every week some minor mishap will happen to me and I’m fed up.”
Claiming to be “quite spiritual” the woman admits she’d like to find a “clairvoyant or spiritual guide” that she can connect with for a month to help her get her life back on track.
In order to do this, the person she ‘hires’ will need to help her decide things such as who to go on Tinder dates with and what she should spend her savings on.
She added: “Basically I’d like the person to be on-call so they can help me whenever and with whatever I need.
“I text a lot so they should be available to message me frequently and very quick to respond. I’m really ready to try anything – and I’ve set aside £2,000 (Sh259,434) for this from some inheritance money I received last year.”
The Standard.

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