On Thursday, 9th December 2021, SPA Ajibade & Co. will host the 14th Edition of the SPA Ajibade & Co. Annual Business Luncheon (#SPAACOABL2021), with the theme, “Technology, Innovation and the Law: Challenges, Potentials and Possibilities in the Nigerian Legal Landscape”. The #SPAACOABL2021 will be a virtual event and will focus on critical technology and innovation issues affecting the Nigeria legal sector addressed by a stellar panel led by Prof. Victor Rodriguez-Doncel.
Victor Rodriguez-Doncel, is an Associate Professor in the Artificial Intelligence Department of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain. He also lectures at the Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania.
He teaches Artificial Intelligence Law & Ethics, Logic, Probability, Web Science and Advanced Semantic Technologies. He is an Open Data Institute (ODI) certified trainer and an editor of 6 (six) International Standards and W3C Recommendations in the subject domain as well as a researcher on semantic web applied to the legal domain.
In 2019, he organised ”JURIX”, the conference of reference for Law and Informatics in Europe.
He is currently directing the following PhD Thesis:
- Navas-Loro, M.; Representation, Identification and Processing of Temporal Expressions and Events in Legal Documents (Co-Director: A. Gómez).
- Martín-Chozas, P.; Terminological Resources as Linguistic Linked Data in the Legal Domain. (Co-Director: E. Montiel).
- Esteves, B.; Digital Representation of Consent Forms and Privacy Terms.
- Saniei, R.; Privacy Enhancing Semantic Technologies supporting GDPR compliance.
- Zichichi, M.; Location privacy and inference in online social networks (Co-Director: Ferretti, S.).
Prof. Rodriguez-Doncel is expected to amongst others, lead the conversation on global developments in legal technology and innovation particularly in the European Union, how these developments can be applied to the Nigerian legal sector, how the key stakeholders in the sector can chart a course for the future of the application of technology and innovation to the practise of law in Nigeria and set the agenda for the creation of a roadmap for the enhanced development of our legal system leveraging technology and innovation.
Given his stellar reputation in the deployment of technology to law particularly his involvements in the development in the European Union legaltech industry, there is a lot to look forward to at the #SPAACOABL2021. So, Brace Up!
To engage with Prof. Victor Rodriguez-Doncel, register for the #SPAACOABL2021 now at luncheon.spaajibade.com