By Bayo Akinlade Esq.

Let me start by congratulating the new Senior Advocates of Nigeria even though quite a few of them have deserved the honour before today but that’s neither here nor there.

My congratulations doesn’t come without some hint of sarcasm or dissapointment in how the rank is conferred or the fact that I cannot say I have seen any impact the rank has made in the legal profession as a whole but I will try my best to be optimistic and be happy for those who consider this rank worth their effort to obtain.

I use this opportunity to wish all the SANs the best at this turning point for their respective careers and societal elevation. It’s a title for life (except you do something grossly unprofessional) so I can imagine how important it is for those who have finally achieved this feat.

I commend the new SANs to be deserving of this honour not just in qualifying intellectually for it but to add value to the profession by doing all they can to live by example.

I want the new SANs and indeed the older ones to consider their role in the legal profession and in the society and act with integrity and sincerity.

Much is expected of SANs, that’s why many are disapointed in those who have the title but do little or nothing to earn the title they hold.

There is alot that can be achieved through the rank; you can inspire the next generation of lawyers, you can change the direction of the judiciary to one that stands for the common man, you can influence the movement from analogue to digital courts, you can make the NBA a truly viable association, you can positively impact all Ministries of Justice and attract better salaries for all lawyers working in the public sector, you can change the narrative of young lawyers working in private law firms, you can steer government (federal and states) in the right path, you can influence our law makers, guide and advise them to make laws that create wealth and security….you can do so much and you should.

I am happy to be at your service if you need support for any initiative you may want to carry out or if you want to support others.

Once again congratulations.

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