In our growing days, the sight of police at your doorstep and/or any of the neighbourhood is abraded with palpable fears and suspicion, no one likes it when it seems you have been indicted or alleged of any infraction or dishonorable act.

If per chance you are taken away and you have your head laid within the four walls of police cell, you may have several explanations to make before your foresworn would-be in-laws allows you to marry their daughter. Your career maybe in jeopardy and you may not amount to anything; because ones you are not justified, you are marked and people would be careful in dealing with you.

In that time, good name was golden, good name was better than gold and riches. Hardwork pays. If you are hardworking and honest, the future belongs to you. But in the present day, all seems now eroded. There seems to be no value anymore.

I watch with amusement how some groups of persons marched on to the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) headquarters in Abuja in recent time, they were all in a foresworn jubilation and top-of-the-world euphoria starting from the main man in person and in solidarity with others that one of the their own is accused of graft activities. What a country!

In advanced nations, it is no more than a shame to be trusted with public office and seeing to mess same up. Such singular act could be suicidal. It could be no more than seeing a ‘destroyed future / life’ before you. In some circumstances it could be no more than seeing dead / execution before you. A such, if you come out being pronounced guilty of any of the indictments, it may mark and mar you for life; while all you have ever worked for all your life may be taken from you before your very eyes.

Welcome to our Generation!

I am not pained if it is alleged someone stole from you and I, and such person with some groups of his friends are happy about that. What pains most is when the youths who should know better and/or do all they could to campaign against their future being stolen away are involved in the Euphoria, jubilation and defense of such conduct.

So some called it bravery / boldness? What a definition!

I know some Political Office holders that left office; they returned to their respective hometown in peace and in honour, the entire town was shut down in jubilation and reception of their ‘BRAVE’ son and daughter now back. While in office, their names were intact, no smear, no spoil, no smudge, no splurge. There was no iota of scandal. Those leaders did all they could to sustain their good name and leave the best of legacies. Aren’t those ones the brave ones anymore? What a twist of generation!

If someone left office in one day and headed straight to a net and/or solitary confinement of anti-graft agency on allegations of ranging from several misconducts to the other and while showing up, he boldly inscribed “EFCC I’m Here’ on his T-Shirt while packing his bags and luggage along, in hope of eternal rest, while rolling out drums and calling his friends and associates to celebrate with him for being accused; If such could in a slight moment impress you, I make bold to state in Obasanjo’s voice ‘you are one of the illiterates’ he impresses.

Some even said he is a hero. I agree with them he is their hero. Simply put, no one gives what he does not have.

If in our generation, honour has left, good name has left, integrity has left, character has left, decency has left, uprightness has left, dignity has left, reputation has left, rectitude has left, decorum has left, humanity has left and nobility has left, what else could we say than we have come to the end of the road.

Our Generation is sick body, mind and soul!  We need divine compassion and healing!


Richarmond O. Natha-Alade


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