Adesina Ogunlana

The National Executive Committee(NEC) meeting of the Nigerian Bar Association ended today in Lokoja,the Kogi state capital with many high points. One of the high points was the presentation of Ogunlana Adesina as the Chairman of Ikeja branch.The branch in the past one year has been under a leadership tussle that disorganised the activities of the branch. Mr Ogunlana after all emerged as the Chair.After he was presented to NEC,Mr Adesina published the post below on his facebook page to refute the claim of Monday Ubani,a former Chair of the branch.

“At about 6. 20 pm yesterday ( 1 -6-2017 ) I was formally presented to the National Executive Committee of our great Association ( NBA) as the Lokoja meeting of NEC as the CHAIRMAN of the NBA IKEJA BRANCH. Electric was the atmosphere .  Mr Dele Adesina SAN foRmer General with the concurrence of Mr Obafemi Adewale former GS. did the presentation. Almost a year ago, 16-6-2016 the NEC under the chairmanship of Augustine Alegeh, Esq. SAN , the then NBA president purported to nullify my first election an action that led to the year long crisis at the Tiger Bar . But all that is in the past . We give God the glory. For it is not by might or by power. My appreciation goes to the sagaciously led national leadership of the association and the decent, humble and sincere performance of the 3rd Vice President Ben Oji led Caretaker Committee which credible conduct at the IKEJA Bar between March and May2017 led to the peaceful cessation of the leadership tussle at the IKEJA BAR. Earlier before my presentation, a curious and interesting claim was made on the floor of the NEC by 2nd Vice President Monday Ubani , a former Chairman of the Tiger Bar that it was the social party that he threw at the Branch that led to the resolution of the crisis in our Branch. Perhaps meant as a joke, but the Ubani claim is not true, grossly misleading and inappropriate at such an official and historic meeting of our association hence this refutation. I was absent at the Ubani party and was not involved in any crisis resolution talk arising from any such party. True credit must rather be given to Elder Akin Olatunji for his sincere and productive interventionist role in ending the crisis and this is already done by the Ben Oji Caretaker Committee as contained in the Secretariat Report presented to Lokoja NEC meeting . May I respectfully use this medium to remind Tigers ( NBA IKEJA BRANCH MEMBERS) that our monthly meeting for June holds on Monday 5 June 2017 at our Secretariat . It is actually meeting plus party plus lotta fun!”

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