An action between a trade Union and a company can be commenced at

A. The Federal High Court and the National Industrial court
B. The National Industrial Court
C. The Federal High Court
D.The High Court where the defendant is domiciled.

Answer on the comment section.

49 thoughts on “Monday Ubani quiz for young lawyers- Question 1

  1. A. It can be commenced at the FHC where it doesn’t bother on labor and or employees issues. But where it bothers on employee issues and that of the labor generally, then National industrial court. Either way, it depends on the circumstances

  2. Firstly, what is a trade union? A trade union also called “labour union”can be said to be an association of workers in a particular trade, industry or company created for the purpose of securing improvements in pay, benefits, working conditions, or social and political status through collective bargaining.

    Secondly, a trade dispute as provided by the Trade Dispute Act basically means any dispute between employers and workers which is connected with the employment, or the terms or conditions of or affecting the employment of any person.

    By the question, it is safe to say that the company in this context is the employer of most or some of the employees that form the trade union in question and as such the action between them can be said to be a “trade dispute”.

    Trade disputes formally comes under the jurisdiction of National industrial Court, and so section 254 of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (as amended) Third Alterations Act, vests exclusive jurisdiction of matters with respect to labour, employment and all industrial related disputes on the National Industrial Court.

    So it is safe to say that the answer is B.

  3. B- National Industrial Court by virtue of Section 254C(1) of the Constitution (third alteration) 2010 has exclusive jurisdiction to determine issues relating to labour, employment, trade union ….

  4. B- National Industrial Court by virtue of Section 254C(1) of the 1999 Constitution. It has exclusive jurisdiction to determine issues relating to labour, employment, and trade union

  5. B- The National Industrial Court of Nigeria by virtue of Section 254C(1) of the Constitution (third alteration) 2010 has exclusive jurisdiction to determine issues relating to labour, employment, trade union ….

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