The second Monday Ubani Courtroom Mail Prize for Young Lawyers will open on the 18th of September 2020.

The competition is open to all young lawyers 1-7 post call (Lawyers called from 2013 to the present day).

The event will be in four stages.

Stage one- A question known as registration question will be posted on the 18th of September and all those who answer the question on or before 30th of October 2020 will be deemed to have registered for the competition.

 Stage 2: At 8am on Saturday the 3rd of October, a second question will be posted and half of the number of lawyers that registered who get the question(s) correctly will qualify for stage three.

Stage 3: At 8am on the 10th of October, the third question(s) will be posted and the first 20 to answer correctly will qualify for the final stage.

Finals: 20 participants are expected to qualify at the final stage. On the 17th of October 2020, at 8am, questions will be posted and the first to answer correctly will emerge as the winner.

Note: All participants must answer the first registration question.

Each participant is expected to give one answer in any stage of the competition. When a participant answers twice, the first answer will be recognized.

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