As the NBA election draws closer, permutations and formations are changing.
Internal disagreements are begining to be common as lawyers are begining to boldly break undemocratic orders in some branches compelling them to vote for a particular candidate.

The Chairman of the Effurun Branch has recently warned and threatened some of its members with removal from the Branch’s WhatsApp group for campaigning for Dr Ajibade and Dele Adesina.
According to him, it was the decision of the Branch to adopt a particular candidate and all members must desist from campaigning for other candidates.

Some Lawyers in the Branch who have opted to support Dr Ajibade have challenged that directive and accused the Chairman of undemocratic behaviour incompatible with the status of a lawyer. The idea of clannish and Branch adoptions have been resented by many lawyers across the country.
As usual in NBA elections, events usually begin to change days to the election that will culminate into electing a President on the last day.

Some other branches are already witnessing the break in formation.

In response to the Chairman’s threat, one of the supporters of Dr Ajibade responded in a conversation obtained by Courtroom Mail:

“Convincing me to buy your candidate’s ideals makes you a good politicking man, but any attempt to force another by way of unknown rules shows less politicking, you are…

I will continue to campaign for Ajibade SAN, for the position of NBA President…

Nobody can stop me…. Except Baba God”

The Chairman also said in response

“Gentlemen, these debates are not capable of setting aside the decision. As Lawyers, it is axiomatic that a decision remains binding until set aside. Even if the extant resolution was taken wrongly, it remains in force until set aside. Those posting the offending materials have until 2.39 pm today to take the prescribed penitentiary steps or risk being removed from our platforms.”

More lawyers are expected to break ranks across the country in support of their various candidates in the coming days.

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