Mr. Ope Olugasa, the Managing Director of LawPavillion Business Solutions is one of the panelists for the 14th SPA Ajibade & Co. Annual Business Luncheon holding on Thursday 9th December, 2021.

As a pioneer on the growth and adoption of LegalTech in Nigeria, he will be speaking on “Legal Artificial Intelligence Support Systems and Tools.”

Introduced in 2008, the Annual Business Luncheon (ABL) is an S. P. A. Ajibade & Co. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) event directed at highlighting contemporary issues affecting the legal profession in Nigeria, with the intent of assisting in identifying workable and practical solutions to these problems.

To consolidate on its previous events, the theme of the 2021 Annual Business Luncheon (#SPAACOABL2021) is: “Technology, Innovation and The Law: Challenges, Potentials and Possibilities in the Nigerian Legal Landscape”; and in furtherance of enhancing legal practice beyond boundaries, the 2021 edition would be focusing on the future of the law by maximising “Technology and Innovation” for the deployment and development of law in general – dispute resolution, the judiciary, alternative dispute resolution, governance & thought leadership and legal practice business, to mention but a few.

The #SPAACOABL2021 would draw on foreign/International experiences and perspectives in analysing our local engagement so far; as we craft a framework for the future of law with the reality of Technology and Innovation in Nigeria. The event would therefore be a glimpse into the future of the Legal profession in Nigeria by addressing the challenges, potentials and possibilities maximising technology across our varied practice areas for a mutually beneficial future – one that would “foster sustainable growth and development” for the system and its various stakeholders.

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