Registration of interest has opened for the IBA African regional forum conference slated for
6–8 November 2019, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
According to Anthony Atata, the Co-Chair of IBA-Africa, the conference is a biennial IBA African Regional Forum Conference themed Future-proofing the African legal profession: meeting the opportunities & challenges arising from innovation, technological disruption and integration
The conference is presented by the IBA African Regional Forum and sessions will include
Are we ready? Disruptive innovation in Africa: the role of lawyers
Data privacy regulations: local versus exterritorial laws (GDPR) – the art of risk-management
Free trade or protectionism: prospects for African regional and continental integration in a post-Brexit, post-NAFTA world
From M-Pesa to Crowdfunding: opportunities and challenges for regulating new players in the African Financial services sector
Is the future of international criminal law domestic?
Migration and immigration challenges
Using technology to enhance efficiency, security and meet client needs: are African law firms ready to embrace the tech revolution?
What do 21st century clients expect from external counsel – a panel of General Counsel
What will stay the same in arbitration and alternative dispute resolution?
More information will be released in the coming months and lawyers across Africa Planning to attend can register their interest here
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