A mere glance at brief antecedents of Dr. Ajibade, SAN reveals how prepared he is for the task ahead of him. For one to lead, he must have a clue of what and who he is going to lead. Lending credence to John Maxwell will vividly exhibit the point above, when he says:
“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.”
The over 30 years outstanding experience and expertise acquired by the Ajibade SAN is an indicator of him being abreast with the way, and able to show the way to others; as he has already shown to many. The longstanding experience and expertise of Dr. Ajibade, SAN had bagged him so many public and private sectors appointments, like the Chairman of Capital Market Solicitors Association 2010-2013.
Ajibade SAN is already a leader, he leads many even without title. He believes in a world class reformation in our legal system and practice. His positive influence in the lives of many who have at one point or the other mixed ways with him led them developed confidence in him, reposed all trusts in him and regarded him a leader devoid of any title. Ajibade SAN is best described below:
“Become the kind of leader that people would follow voluntarily, even if you had no title or position.”. ~ Brian Tracy
Ajibade SAN’s immense and indelible contributions to the Legal world are worthy of emulation, and it made him epitome of what the Nigerian Legal world needs in this turbulent economic time. The Annual Business Luncheon hosted under his leadership in S.P.A Ajibade & Co since 2008 is a classical example. This shows how Ajibade SAN is always preoccupied with the plight of our legal world and the way forward. This is a special quality that a leader must posses, as Brian Tracy put it:
“Leaders think and talk about solutions. Followers think and talk about problems”.
Ajibade SAN had thought about multitude of our problems and talked about their solutions; he needs only what it takes to execute the solutions; which is our cohesive support to take the power mantle and lead us to success. To mention a few, below are the examples of his thoughts and solutions in the themes he addressed:
?Globalization and Challenges of Practicing Law as a Business- a View from the West. (2008).
?Future of Legal Practice in Nigeria- Specialization and the Barrister-Solicitor Divide (2012).
?The Future of Legal Practice in Nigeria- Achieving Judicial Excellence (2013).
Finally, in the words of Publilius Syrus, he says:
“Anyone can hold the helm when the sea is calm”.
However, when the sea is not calm, but, full of tides, only an expert can hold and direct the helm and save the passengers and the crew from the danger of sinking. I say DR. Ajibade SAN is the expert, the saviour who came at an opportune moment, and who have no office hours; just like what Cardinal J. Gibbons says:
” There are no office hours for leaders”
Choose wisely, for the days ahead are dark and full of terror. Remember Ajibade SAN is the savior.