Courtroom Mail has announced the opening of its online bookstore aimed at making it possible for Lawyers to conveniently buy best selling Law practice books.
Announcing the opening, the editor said that four top books by different authors have been listed already. This includes an e-book by Courtroom Mail.
She further stated that Courtroom Mail will seek partnership, with other reputable Law publishers locally and internationally, to deliver this project aimed at making purchasing of Law (physical or electronic) books the simplest thing any Lawyer can do.
The store, in the long run, will also open to listings beyond books to other products that may interest the ordinary Lawyer in his day to day living.
The books on the initial listing include:
- The best selling Human Rights book by Frank Agbedo titled “Casebook on Human Rights Litigation in Nigeria”
- Law and Practice of Court Martial in Nigeria by Obioma Ezenwobodo
- Understanding Trademark Law in Nigeria by Isaac Ogbah.
- An e-book by Courtroom Mail titled “51 Things Every Nigerian Woman Should Know About the Law on Marriage and Divorce”